This page is intended to update and inform the families of Boston Collegiate. Please reach out to for additional inquiries.

To access our family newsletters, published each week, click here.

March 2025

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • Quarter 3 Progress Report Published
  • Boston Collegiate Lottery
  • Winter Athletics Banquet
  • 3v3 Basketball Tournament
  • March Madness
  • High School Musical: Little Shop of Horrors
  • High School Musical: Little Shop of Horrors
  • 10th Grade Career Symposium
  • Think Kids: Parent Presentation

Please read the Boston Collegiate Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan here in English or here in Spanish.

If your student(s) encounter bullying, we urge them to reach out to us. You may do so in the format of your preference: (1) at our designated email account,, (2) by voicemail on our phone line 617-265-1172 ext. 2109, or (3) by completing this Bullying Report Form. This form sends information directly to our Deans of Students.

2023-2024 Health and Wellness Policy
Asthma Clarification Form*
Authorization for Dismissal*
Authorization to Dispense Prescription Medication#
Field Trips Medication Permission Form*
Health Office/Emergency Card (English)*
Health Office/Emergency Card (Spanish)*
Seasonal Allergy Letter
Welcome Letter
7th Grade Health Letter
8th Grade Health Letter
10th Grade Sex Education Letter

*Denotes forms that are only required to be completed upon enrollment via School Mint.

This form is required for any student that requires prescription medication to be given at school (including Epi-pen and inhalers) and must be completed if needed upon enrollment via School Mint or any time a student’s health status changes to include a need for prescription medication to be given at school. Please contact school nurse directly for any questions about this form.

Free meals will continue to be available for all students for the 2024-2025 School Year. Please encourage your student or students to pick up lunch and breakfast daily at no charge. In addition to taking advantage of free school meals this year, we also encourage families to apply for SNAP benefits. SNAP provides monthly cash benefits (on an EBT card) to purchase groceries for eligible families. To apply for SNAP, visit or call the Project Bread FoodSource Hotline at 1-800-645-8333. If you are unsure whether your family is eligible, the FoodSource Hotline can assist you with eligibility questions. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Ms. Ryan at or 617-265-1172 ext. 2000.


Here you will find a recent memo from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regarding the use of the nondiscrimination statement on public communications.
Safety Training

In spring and summer 2024, several members of the Boston Collegiate team were trained in a comprehensive safety response protocol called ALICE (  Each August, we require our entire staff to participate in ALICE training prior to the start of the school year.

Previously, staff training on what to do in the event of a dangerous person being in the building incorporated a protocol called “Run, Hide, Fight” per direction from the Boston Police Department.  ALICE takes this protocol one step further, providing clarity and direction about exactly what to do in the event of an emergency. Boston Collegiate staff feel more empowered than ever to be the best protectors possible for the children who attend our school.

Rally Points for Student Pick-up

In case of an emergency in which we need to take Boston Collegiate students away from the building, please make note of our rally points at which you can meet us to pick up your children

  • For our Lower School (Sydney Street) campus, we convene at Ryan Playground on the corner or Harborview Street and Dorchester Avenue
  • For our Upper School (Mayhew Street) campus, we convene in the parking lot of St. Teresa’s Church on Roseclair Street

While our day-to-day work is teaching and learning in preparation for college, please know that your children’s safety is our highest priority.  We take this matter seriously and personally.  If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at any time.

If you have a recommendation for an improvement to school safety or a recommendation for our Safety Information page, please email Amanda Kay Loring, Chief Operating Officer, at

Here is our dress code policy for the 2023-2024 School Year.
Employment Permits are available for students aged 14 – 17. Applications can be obtained in the Mayhew Welcome Office from Ms. Chavez once the student has secured the job. Please see below for a step by step overview for permits:

Step 1: Student secures the job with employer.

Step 2: Student provides the employer with a blank application obtained from Ms. Chavez or located here.

Step 3: The employer will sign “Promise of employment” on the blank permit application and give it to the student. The student then signs it along with a Parent/Guardian. Please note: Students ages 14 and 15 also require a Physician’s signature.

Step 4: Once all the signatures are obtained, the student may bring the completed application to Ms. Chavez to receive their Employment Permit.

All 4 steps must be completed prior to a student receiving a valid signed permit. All permits are valid one year from the date of attainment. If a student has a new job, they must obtain a new permit.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact